Glossary of Terms
Overview and explanation of the terms used in the area of the complex service of electronic toll collection
The basic terms specified below concerning electronic toll collection for using the specified road sections are for information purposes only.
means, in terms of the GDPR, the System Operator processing the Personal Data of a Data Subject;
in terms of the GDPR is any natural person whose Personal Data are processed in connection with the Electronic Toll System operation;
is the electronic toll system according to the provision of Section 22(2) and Section 22a of Act No. 13/1997 Coll. on Roads as amended;
is a set of applications for processing Toll Discounts managed by the System Operator;
means a card (other than a Payment Card) which can be used to pay for Toll in the Czech Republic, a deposit and also fees for services according to the List of Fees in the Postpay Mode, which is accepted by the System Operator; a list of accepted fuel card types is available at Contact Points, Distribution Points, the Customer Portal, and on the Customer Service Line;
means the document of the owner and the operator of the vehicle, which contains a detailed technical description of the vehicle (for vehicles registered in the Czech Republic, this is the Vehicle Registration Certificate - Part II);
means the System Operator's bank account specified on the Customer Web Portal;
means a motor vehicle with at least four wheels, whose maximum permissible weight is more than 3.5 tons;
means the Decree of the Ministry of Transport No. 470/2012 Coll. on the Use of Roads subject to Toll Payment as amended;
means the entry of data into the Electronic Toll System of a vehicle whose operation on the roads in the Czech Republic is subject to obligations pursuant to Section 20a, Section 22, Section 22i and Section 22j of Act No. 13/1997 Coll. on Roads as amended, and provisions of Sections 4 to 8 of the Decree;
means a set of devices and Services through which customer services and remote access resources are provided via the Internet and mobile applications. The Customer Zones enables users to obtain general information and information regarding toll data collection for a specific Customer, to handle queries, suggestions, requests and claims, to pay Toll-related payments, including Deposits. Personalised information provided in a secure manner based on User authentication;
means a location designated by the System Operator for telephone and written communications, where services related to the Electronic Toll System operation are provided; contact information is provided on the Customer Web Portal;
means Act No. 13/1997 Coll. on Roads, as amended;
means Act No. 284/2009 Coll. on the Payment System as amended;
means a guarantee certificate issued by a Bank based on a Bank Guarantee and on the relevant form provided by the System Operator; this form can be picked up by a Vehicle Operator at a Contact Point or printed on the Customer Portal;
means a Toll prepayment document, proof of deposit of a refundable deposit for an OBU, proof of payment of Toll, proof of refund of the OBU deposit, proof of refund of a prepaid toll credit, which is issued for the User at the time of payment;
means a road subject to toll payment in accordance with Section 20 of the Act;
in terms of GDPR means a natural or legal person, public body, agency or other entity that processes Personal Data for the Operator, in particular CzechToll s.r.o.
in terms of GDPR means any operation or a set of operations with Personal Data or Personal Data files performed with or without the assistance of automated procedures such as collecting, recording, arranging, structuring, storing, customizing or modifying, retrieving, viewing, using, making available by transmission, dissemination or any disclosure, alignment or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction;
means a set of devices and Electronic Toll System services used to provide general information on toll charging for the general public, and for logged in subscribers the Customer Zone via remote Internet access and mobile application; the Customer Web Portal is located on the web portal of;