Summary of the categories of vehicles exempt from toll payment
Exemption from toll payment
The use of a toll road by a vehicle shall not be subject to toll payment:
- if the vehicle is equipped with a special warning light according to a special regulation, in case of:
- a vehicle of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic;
- vehicle of an emergency medical service provider, transportation of emergency care patients and medical transport services;
- a vehicle of an integrated emergency system unit not listed in items 1 and 2;
- a vehicle of the Ministry of Interior used by the Police of the Czech Republic and equipped with the inscription “POLICIE” (POLICE) or the armed security forces of another state on the basis of reciprocity;
- a vehicle of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, including vehicles used by the Military Police and equipped with the inscription “VOJENSKÁ POLICIE” (MILITARY POLICE) and vehicles of another country's armed forces on a reciprocal basis;
- a vehicle of the customs authorities equipped with the words “CELNÍ SPRÁVA” (CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION);
- a vehicle of the fire brigades and volunteer fire brigades with the words "HASIČI” (FIRE BRIGADES);
- a vehicle of the municipal or city police equipped with the words "OBECNÍ POLICIE” (MUNICIPAL POLICE) or "MĚSTSKÁ POLICIE” (CITY POLICE);
- a vehicle of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic with a special colour design and marking under a special legal regulation;
- a vehicle transporting severely disabled persons who, under special regulation, hold a severe disability card, or a holder of severe disability/disability card, if the operator of the vehicle is the disabled person himself/herself or a close person;
- a vehicle transporting dependent children who are being treated for cancer or haemoblastosis;
- General Inspectorate of Security Forces and Security Information Services;
- a vehicle operated by a nursing home for people with disabilities, if used to transport people with disabilities;
- a vehicle performing rescue and termination work and protecting the population;
- a vehicle of the State Reserve Bureau administration with the transport of state material reserves pursuant to a special regulation;
- a vehicle of the toll road administrator or concessionaire;
- a vehicle using exclusively electricity or hydrogen as fuel, if the maximum permissible weight of the vehicle is not more than 4.25 tonnes;
- a historic vehicle with an authorized registration plate for historic vehicles to which a historic vehicle license has been issued.
The specified toll exempt vehicles shall not be subject to toll payment. A vehicle must be registered in the electronic toll system and equipped with an electronic device (on-board unit) for the purposes of inspection.
Vehicles already registered as toll free on the basis of an amendment to Act No. 13/1997 Coll. are entitled to a toll refund of tolls paid from 1.1.2020. The entiltement for a reimbursement of toll payment arises by submitting an application, i.e. by completing a claim form sent by email to, creating a submission in your customer zone, or submitting a claim form through the Contact point. The application must contain:
- Vehicle licence plate number
- Account number to which funds will be transferred (funds can only be returned by bank transfer)
- Proof that the applicant is the owner or the operator of the vehicle (large technical certificate, leasing contract)
Agreement on the use of the electronic device in toll exemption mode
The agreement on the use of the electronic device in the toll exemption mode or its amendments can be concluded by the statutory body or a person with a written authorisation of public authorities and organizations, or another person who presents to the system operator a written power of attorney with an officially certified signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the vehicle operator. At the same time, the user is obliged to submit a certified document confirming its legal capability and the vehicle technical certificate or the vehicle registration certificate. If the vehicle of the user has a metallised windscreen, the user is obliged to inform the system operator of this fact when registering the vehicle. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the reported data and the documents submitted.
A vehicle operator may enter into the agreement on the use of the electronic device under the toll exemption mode at a contact point.
A change of the vehicle operator's data shall be notified to the system operator by means of a claim form. The system operator is obliged to make the reported changes within thirty (30) days of receiving this notification at the latest.