Glossary of Terms

Overview and explanation of the terms used in the area of the complex service of electronic toll collection

The basic terms specified below concerning electronic toll collection for using the specified road sections are for information purposes only.

means a valid and irrevocable bank guarantee payable on the first call and without objection issued by the Bank in favour of the Electronic Toll System Operator, to secure the Electronic Toll System Operator's receivables from the toll transactions incurred in the Postpay Mode and to secure other claims of the Electronic Toll System Operator against the Vehicle Operator arising out of or in connection with the conclusion of the Postpay Terms Agreement, including late interest and costs associated with the application of the Bank Guarantee;

means a bank meeting the requirements of the Electronic Toll System Operator for a bank issuing a Bank Guarantee;

means an agreement between the Electronic Toll System Operator and the Vehicle Operator, the conclusion of which is a pre-condition for the use of a toll road by a vehicle under the Toll Exemption Mode;

means a multilateral permit for international road freight, according to the decision of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport of CEMT Member States; for the purposes of registering a vehicle in the Electronic Toll System and the application of toll discounts specifically when it comes to certificates of conformity with technical and safety requirements in relation to emissions and noise;

means a location designated by the Electronic Toll System Operator where services related to the operation of the Electronic Toll System are provided;

means an agreement between the Electronic Toll System Operator and the Vehicle Operator, the conclusion of which is a pre-condition for allowing a toll payment in the Postpay Mode;

means the European Electronic Toll Service in accordance with the provisions of Section 22b of Act No. 13/1997 Coll. on Roads as amended;

that is the on-board unit, has the meaning given in the provision of Section 22(2) of Act No. 13/1997 Coll. on Roads, as amended, and Section 10 of the Decree of the Ministry of Transport Decree No. 470/2012 Coll. on the use of roads subject to toll payment as amended; an integral part of the Electronic Device is also its basic accessories intended for installation in a Vehicle via a socket called the "cigarette lighter";

means a document billing the amount of tolls, deposit, damage or other service charges according to the List of Fees;

means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 /EC (General Data Protection Regulation);

has the meaning given in the provision of Section 22c par. 4(a)(2) and par. 5-7 of Act No. 13/1997 Coll. on Roads, as amended, and Section 3 of Decree of the Ministry of Transport No. 470/2012 Coll. on the use of roads subject to toll payment as amended;

means a location designated by the Electronic Toll System Operator where services related to the operation of the Electronic Toll System are provided;

is a record of a vehicle passing through a Toll Section; a Toll Transaction takes the form of an electronic data record based on the evaluation and processing of one or a combination of multiple toll events; in particular, the toll transaction includes data on the type of Toll Transaction, date and time, Toll Section identification, vehicle identification, Toll amount and payment mode;

means an event that occurred through the passage of a vehicle through a toll section and that was recorded by the Electronic Toll System; a Toll Event reflection is an electronic data record that particularly includes Toll Event information, date and time, Toll Section identification and vehicle identification;

has the meaning in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act No. 13/1997 Coll. on Roads, as amended, Government Decree No. 240/2014 Coll. on the amount of time fees, toll rates, toll discounts  and how to apply the toll discount, as amended, and Decree of the Ministry of Transport No. 470/2012 Coll. on the use of roads subject to toll payment as amended;

means a Toll amount that has not been paid in due course;

is a continuous portion of a Toll Road defined by the start of the Toll Section and the end of the Toll Section; the beginning and the end of the Toll Section can be determined by a crossing with a motorway, 1st, 2nd or 3rd category road, local road, a special-purpose road or the administrative boundary of an administrative section;

means Government Decree No. 240/2014 Coll. on the amount of time fees, toll rates, toll discounts and how to apply the toll discount as amended;

means such an Electronic Device that the System Operator has removed from the Electronic Toll System records pursuant to item 4 of Chapter 1.6.5 of the Terms and Conditions;

means Act No. 87/2012 Coll. the Civil Code as amended;