Why is there a charge for CO2 emissions?
The Czech Republic fulfills its obligation to implement the requirements of Directive (EU) 2022/362 of the European Parliament and of the Council with the changes as of March 1, 2024. The aim of this directive is to support further reductions in the production of CO2 emissions.
Is there a deadline by which I have to carry out the inspection for vehicles registered after July 1, 2019?
The inspection is not mandatory for the vehicle operator. There are no penalties if you drive a vehicle that is eligible for a higher CO2 emission class but keep it in CO2 emission class 1. You will just pay a higher toll.
You can check and apply for inclusion in a higher CO2 emission class at any time in the future, there is no deadline for submitting an electronic application.
If I have a vehicle registered after 1 July 2019, can I apply for inclusion in a higher CO2 emission class?
No, even vehicles registered after July 1, 2019 do not always meet the necessary parameters. According to CzechToll's analysis, only 5 to 10 percent of the vehicles that are currently registered in the Electronic Toll System of the Czech Republic will qualify for inclusion in the higher CO2 emission class.
The key is to meet the parameters according to the CO2 emission class search engine on the website and provide all the necessary documents.
I don't have COC, CIF certificates, or they don't contain the necessary information...
This documentation can only be requested from the vehicle manufacturer. Please note that this only makes sense for vehicles with a date of first registration after 1 July 2019.
If the values of the required attributes are not available in the certificates for the vehicle in a range sufficient to determine the emission class CO2 2, 3, 4 or 5, or it does not meet the requirements for inclusion in these classes, it will be assigned the emission class CO2 1.
What percentage of vehicles thet will be eligible for inclusion in a higher CO2 emission class?
According to CzechToll's analysis, only 5 to 10 percent of the vehicles that are managed in the Electronic Toll System of the Cyech Republic today fulfill the right to be classified in a higher CO2 emission class. Based on experience in states where the CO2 emission class system has already been launched, in the vast majority of cases, the emission parameters for a higher emission class than CO2 1 will only be registered for the first registrations in 2022.
The key is to meet the parameters according to the CO2 emission class search engine on the website and provide all the necessary documents.