Prague, 18 January 2024 – In 2023 carriers paid a total of 14.914 billion crowns in tolls for vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons. The collection increased year-on-year by nearly 61 million crowns, or by 0.41 percent. A slight growth in toll collection was recorded even though last year had two working days less than the previous year 2022.
Domestic carriers paid 47 percent of the total toll collection in 2023, the remaining tolls were paid by vehicle operators from abroad: most often from Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. Less than 13.22 billion crowns were paid by carriers for driving on motorways, the remaining 1.69 billion crowns were paid for driving on toll sections of 1st category roads. In the long term, we can say that approximately 89 percent of the collected tolls have been paid for the use of motorways.
In the last month of 2023 carriers paid 1.04 billion Czech crowns in tolls, which represented a year-on-year decrease of 1.24 percent. Just as in 2022, December happened to be the month with the lowest amount of toll collection in the entire year. The number of toll transactions decreased by 3 percent year-on-year to over 76 million.
At the end of November 828 thousand vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons were registered in the electronic toll system, of which 650 thousand vehicles had foreign license plate numbers. For these registered vehicles, CzechToll issued 645 thousand on-board units to carriers.

Notice of adjustment from 1 March 2024
From 1 March 2024, toll rates in the Czech Republic are also going to include a CO2 emission charge in accordance with the EU legislation. Carriers can obtain detailed information about this adjustment at
From 1 March 2024 the exemption from charging for vehicles powered by electricity or hydrogen with total permissible weight of more than 4.25 t shall cease to apply. These vehicles need to be newly registered as standard and equipped with an on-board unit. Vehicles powered by electricity or hydrogen with with a maximum permissible weight of up to 4.25 t will continue to be registered in the electronic toll system as exempt at Contact Points and will have to be equipped with an exempt on-board unit.
Carriers can find a summary of these adjustments as of 1 March 2024 at