Extraordinary measures will reduce traffic complications upon launching the new toll system, CzechToll have invested over 50 million Czech crowns in them

21. 11. 2019 |
Myto cz

Prague, 21 November 2019 - CzechToll has launched extraordinary measures aimed at minimizing traffic complications caused by small foreign hauliers who are not registering in sufficient numbers for the new toll system in the Czech Republic. The priority of all the measures is to ensure free passage for passenger car drivers and the responsible lorry drivers already equipped with the new on-board unit. The measures will also reduce waiting time for the on-board units at border crossings.

As at 20 November 2019, the number of vehicles that have registered for the new toll system was around 251 thousand, approximately 55% of the total 
expected number of 458 thousand vehicles. Over the past week, CzechToll has shipped 60,000 new on-board units, while the total of on-board units already delivered to hauliers is 141,000. Unfortunately, despite the threat of large queues, hauliers continue to underestimate the obligation to register and the points of sale are far from busy. 

“Our company has prepared the maximum possible measures to reduce the waiting time and reduce traffic complications when the toll system is launched. Beyond our contractual obligations, we have invested more than CZK 50 million excluding VAT,” said Matej Okáli, CzechToll CEO. 

In addition to extensive organisational and information measures, the capacity of POSs at border crossings will be reinforced as much as possible. New workplaces are already being set up at the POSs, which will temporarily increase the capacity for registering and issuing new on-board units. Temporary registration points will also be established at the exits from the Slovak Republic. 

“With regards to the capacity of the parking areas, but also the space possibilities of POSs, it is not possible to achieve the handling of thousands of vehicles coming from abroad without the on-board unit without waiting. There will be traffic complications, but we believe that to a much lesser extent than without the implemented measures,”  added Matej Okáli.

The measures will significantly improve the expected traffic situation at critical border crossings. At the crossing of Lanžhot - Kúty the line of vehicles will be shortened from the expected 44 km to 12 km, at the crossing of Bohumín - Gorzyczki from 40 km to 11 km, at Český Těšín - Cieszyn from  22 km to 5 km. There is also a risk at the other crossings - queues of waiting lorries can temporarily form also inland at POSs and petrol stations.


Selection of measures taken to alleviate the expected traffic complications as a result of the low activity by small hauliers from abroad in registering for the new electronic toll system in the Czech Republic

  • There are 41 temporary workstations created responsible for communicating with fuel card issuers (FCIs) and to ensure, as much as possible, the completion of the documents needed to dispatch on-board units to hauliers registered via the FCIs. 
  • The free delivery of on-board units by post was extended to Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania and Estonia.
  • 11 additional registration workstations were set up at selected border crossings operating 24/7, some of them within the territory of the Slovak Republic.
  • 15 mobile registration points were set up to operate at border crossings operating 24/7 as well. Mobile registration vehicles deployed at parking areas may be moved between the parking areas in the event of the formation of queues.
  • The registration process at selected border crossings will be coordinated in detail: 
    • coordinators will be continuously present at the six border crossings to ensure that foreign hauliers are handled as smoothly as possible when registering and installing the new on-board unit;
    • the coordinators will be primarily at the border crossings of Bohumín - Gorzyczki, Český Těšín - Cieszyn, Lanžhot - Kúty, Mosty u Jablunkova - Svrčinovec, Nachod - Kudowa Zdrój and Krásný les - they can move to other locations if necessary; 
    • the coordinators will be visibly marked with a reflective vest with the MYTOCZ logo;
    • drones will be involved in traffic management.
  • At petrol stations, resting areas and parking areas with a POS for registration, trained promoter teams will invite drivers in person to register (5 vehicles with staff).
  • In places with high incidence of lorries there are 7 mobile registration stations  with staff.
  • The communication campaign has been significantly strengthened: the 'information campaign' has unfortunately become a 'persuasion campaign'.
  • Toll road administrators in Germany (BAG), Poland (GDDKIA), Austria (ASFINAG) and Slovakia (NDS) will be alerted about the risk situation.
  • Crisis communication is coordinated between the Ministry of Transport, the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic (RSD CR), the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic, the Police of the Czech Republic and CzechToll.
  • Measures will be taken to coordinate crisis management of traffic between the RSD CR, the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic, the Police of the Czech Republic/Poland/Slovak Republic and CzechToll.

Hauliers can easily register on the website www.myto.gov.cz; after paying the refundable deposit, they will receive the on-board unit by post. Registration is also possible through fuel card issuers, at more than 200 POSs and at 15 selected branches of the Czech Chamber of Commerce. 

For complete information about the new toll system visit  www.myto.gov.cz or call the non-stop customer line +420 243 243 243.