18. 01. 2022 | Hír | Myto cz Newly tolled highway sections from February 1, 2022 As of 1 February 2022, the network of toll roads will be extended by the newly opened sections of D6, D7, D11, D35, D48, D55 a D56. További információk
18. 01. 2022 | Sajtóközlemény | Myto cz Toll collection in 2021 exceeded 14 billion crowns, the total cost of operation and development of the system did not exceed 1 billion Czech crowns Prague, 18 January 2022 - Changes in the structure of toll rates effective from 1 January 2021 secured the highest toll collection in history last year. For the whole year carriers paid 14.198 billion Czech crowns more for using toll roads, or 23 percent more than in 2020. The CzechToll satellite toll system is one of the most efficient systems in the world. További információk
29. 12. 2021 | Hír | Myto cz Kapcsolattartó pont 1110 PRAHA 1 (nám. F. Kafky): ÚJ CÍM A Kapcsolattartó pont 1110 Praha (nám. F. Kafky) az eredeti címen Náměstí Franze Kafky 17/7, Praha 1 - 110 00 2021.12.31, működik. További információk
26. 11. 2021 | Hír | Myto cz Change of the portal name from "eidentita.cz" to "Citizen's identity" from 28.11.2021 Within the Administration of Basic Registers, the Ministry of the Interior has prepared a change in the name of the National Point for Identification and Authentication portal, when the current name "eidentita.cz" will be changed to "Citizen's Identity". További információk
15. 07. 2021 | Sajtóközlemény | Myto cz In June carriers paid 1.256 billion Czech crowns, for the first half of the year the collected amount exceeded 7 billion Czech crowns Prague, 13 July 2021 - További információk
20. 05. 2021 | Hír | Myto cz Change of toll system in Poland from 1.6.2021 Poland will launch e-TOLL from June – a new satellite toll system for vehicles weighing over 3,5 tonnes. További információk
08. 04. 2021 | Hír | Myto cz Notice for the Carrier - expiration of the deposit and prepaid toll after one year of inactivity We would like to inform you that according to Act No. 13/1997 Coll. További információk
07. 01. 2021 | Sajtóközlemény | Myto cz Investment in the new toll system has paid off: the government collected over CZK 11.5 billion in tolls last year, up 5.24 % year-on-year The generational replacement of the toll system for lorries was a good investment for the government. Compared to the original microwave technology, the Czech Republic saved almost CZK 1 billion on the operating cost of the electronic toll system last year. In addition, toll revenues increased by CZK 573 million year-on-year, despite the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the entire European transport sector. További információk
21. 12. 2020 | Hír | Myto cz Kapcsolattartó pont 1200 SOKOLOV: ÚJ CÍM A Kapcsolattartó pont 1200 Sokolov az eredeti címen Boženy Němcové 2042, Sokolov 2021.01.07-ig, működik. További információk
17. 12. 2020 | Sajtóközlemény | Myto cz Upcoming changes in toll payment for carriers as of 1 January 2021: the crucial thing for drivers is the introduction of rates for 5 or more axles As of 1 January 2021, based on an amendment to Regulation of the Government 240/2014 Coll. and Decree No. 470/2012 Coll., several important changes in the electronic toll system for vehicles over 3.5 tons will come into effect. Among other things, toll rates, the amount of discounts and several other parameters will change. The network of toll roads will be extended by two newly opened motorway sections. További információk