CzechToll successfully launched toll payment on 902.9 km of newly charged roads and motorways

01. 01. 2020 |
Myto cz

Following the expansion of the toll road network as of 1 January 2020, CzechToll operates a satellite toll system on a total of 1,102 kilometres of 1st category roads and 1,307 kilometres of motorways. Although the scope of charging has been extended by 903 kilometres, the operation of the cutting-edge satellite toll system is three times cheaper than the original microwave system. 

With regards to today's national holiday, there is only a minimum number of vehicles subject to toll payment driving on roads in the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, the first toll transaction on newly charged 1st category roads was identified as early as 16 seconds after midnight on road I/26 between the Folmava border crossing and the municipality of Česká Kubice. The haulier from the Czech Republic was charged a toll of CZK 1.59 for passing through the toll section. 

Within the expanded network of toll roads, vehicles over 3.5 tons pay toll on the total of 37 sections of 1st category roads (both original and new). 

“The huge advantage of the satellite toll system is the possibility of further expansion of the toll road network, if necessary, with regards to freight transport management in the Czech Republic. There is no need to build any toll gantries within the satellite system, so expansion can usually be done in a few months and at a relatively low cost, ” said Petr Chvátal, the CzechToll COO.

In connection with the expansion of the toll road network, some hauliers who have not yet driven on toll roads have to register their vehicles and equip them with the on-board unit. The internet self-service at, more than 200 points of sale and 15 regional branches of the Czech Chamber of Commerce remain available to them. CzechToll does not expect any complications in the registration of these new vehicles; the capacity of inland points of sale exceeds the expected number of newly registered vehicles.

List of new toll roads in effect as of 1 January 2020

Č. Úsek Délka v km
I/3 Mirošovice-Mezno 43,5
I/4 Praha-Jíloviště 5,2
I/6 Bošov-Karlovy Vary 29,7
I/11 Krásné Pole-Ostrava 8,7
I/12 Praha-Kolín 32,5
I/16 Mladá Boleslav-Úlibice 37,0
I/19 Oltyně-Čekanice 10,0
I/19 Tábor-Pelhřimov 34,0
I/20 Plzeň-České Budějovice 112,5
I/26 Plzeň-Folmava 51,7
I/34 České Budějovice-Jindřichův Hradec 40,7
I/34 Jarošov nad Nežárkou-Havlíčkův Brod 55,6
I/35 Turnov-Jičín 13,8
I/35 Úlibice-Hradec Králové 30,2
I/35 Hradec Králové-Mohelnice 89,3
I/37 Hradec Králové-Pardubice 17,3
I/38 Jestřebí-Mladá Boleslav 31,1
I/38 Poděbrady-Jihlava 86,9
I/43 Brno-Svitavy 44,8
I/50 Holubice-Rovné 86,1